Book binding resources for beginners

I’ve been thinking of ways to incorporate block printing into other crafts. And as someone who goes through lots of paper for testing said blocks, bookbinding was a natural fit.

If you’d like a sticky beak into bookbinding and what it’s all about, I’ve listed the books, courses and tutorials I’ve found helpful.

A note: I’ve either bought or borrowed the books listed, and I have personally paid for the course/s. I am not sponsored, nor affiliated.

If you’re thinking you’d like to buy from this list, please consider buying from an independent bookstore, a second-hand copy or borrow from your neighbourhood library.


PS If you’re the Pinterest kind, this is my book binding/paper board.



Domestika course by Fábrica de Texturas


When I started out, I decided to choose one or two bookbinders to follow, before exploring deeper:

If you want to jump straight in, take a peep at these:

YouTube tutorial by DAS Bookbinding

YouTube tutorial by DAS Bookbinding

YouTube tutorial by DAS Bookbinding

YouTube tutorial by Sea Lemon

YouTube tutorial by Sea Lemon

YouTube tutorial by Baylee Jae


Blocking knitted socks: before and after


Disco Prawns: a commission