Taking pictures

I know nothing about photography.

This is me attempting to use natural light and a reflector on my sketchbook. Pepe Tomate is cramping my style.

These two panels are makeshift ironing boards I made for the studio an age ago. I covered them in natural calico; I thought they’d be great for the light and for a natural background. Leaning the second ironing board up against a stool to bounce light back into the shadows seems to work well.

I now know that cat fur is not a good addition to your picture, no matter how cute your cat is being.

Learning a little more about photography is not so scary. I bought a fancy camera in 2013 and I don’t know how to use it. I gave it to Lex and he is a natural.

For now, I’m sticking with my phone camera and using Adobe Lightroom for a little editing. I still don’t really understand what everything means, but I’ll get there.



Black-eyed Susan