Lessons from a fledgling furniture maker
Amanda Gonzalez Amanda Gonzalez

Lessons from a fledgling furniture maker

One year. That’s how long it’s been since I decided to try woodworking on for size. Our home has been taken over by (saw)dust bunnies, and I’m not (too) mad about it.

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The definition of a project
Amanda Gonzalez Amanda Gonzalez

The definition of a project

If I’m working on a ‘project’, does that imply it must end as a Finished Thing? Is it classified as an ‘abandoned project’ if it doesn’t end as a Thing?

Does it even matter?

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Making looms
Amanda Gonzalez Amanda Gonzalez

Making looms

I’ve been itching to make more stools. The idea of combining two disciplines — wood working and weaving — has been keeping me up at night, and I needed to do something about it.

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Timber timber
Amanda Gonzalez Amanda Gonzalez

Timber timber

Another trolley. Quelle surprise. It was a necessity, promise.

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I have this thing with trolleys
Amanda Gonzalez Amanda Gonzalez

I have this thing with trolleys

I especially like to snoop in yours. And if it wasn’t for social norms, I’d absolutely be asking you about its contents and your plans.

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