Studio Journal

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Block printing resources for beginners

I confess, I always read the manual. It cramps my style, but I love the delicious feeling of anticipation.

It’s been helpful and detrimental, really. I read to prepare myself before starting, but the more I ‘prepare’, the harder it can be to begin. Overwhelm, indecision and doubt can steal the joy from creating, and it’s something I’d like to overcome. I think this one’s for my therapist, though. (Hi, E!)

So this is my version of throwing caution to the wind. Initially, I started with the one resource before jumping in (Jen Hewett’s Craftsy course on fabric design: block printing), and as I’ve progressed, I’ve collected the others.

Not all of the resources I’ve listed are themed block printing; some serve me as inspiration (such as the Marimekko book), and others help with related skills (tutorials on how to draw seamless repeat patterns).

If you dare peer down the rabbit hole that is Pinterest, this is my block printing board.

A note: I’ve either bought or borrowed the books listed, and I have personally paid for the courses. I am not sponsored, nor affiliated.

If you’re thinking you’d like to buy from this list, please consider buying from an independent bookstore, a second-hand copy or borrow from your neighbourhood library. Don’t forget your library bag.

Amanda x